This recipe is potent: consume as a breakfast for 30 days and lose all the belly fat!

The recipe we are going to teach in this post is making great success in the United States.

And it is being recommended even by nutritionists from that country.

Doctors generally say that the lazy intestines are to blame for excess belly fat as they prevent the process of burning fat as well as eliminating impurities from the body.

However, American nutritionists claim there is a solution and it is very simple.

According to them, the solution is a healthy cocktail that should replace breakfast.

The preparation of this drink is extremely easy.

And the result is amazing.

Who took guarantor to have lost of 1.5kg to 2kg, especially in the region of the abdomen, after a month of consumption.

You will not just lose weight.

You will also feel better, healthier and your hair and nails will become stronger and beautiful.

What's so special about this recipe?

Its composition is very rich in nutrients and antioxidants.

It is a well-balanced formula that has been developed to ensure a healthy weight loss.

How is the recipe.

It's all very simple.

You will need six prunes. Put them in 100ml of boiled water. Let them remain so, soaked, for about ten minutes.

In another container, place two tablespoons of oatmeal, one tablespoon of crushed linseed and one tablespoon of pure cocoa powder in a bowl.

Add 300mL of kefir or natural yogurt (it has to be natural even without any sweetener) and mix well.

Chop the prunes that were soaked and add them to the mixture.

Then, leave the cocktail in the refrigerator at night / dawn.

The next day, as soon as you wake up, you're going to have this drink.

You should consume it every morning on an empty stomach, replacing breakfast.

And for as long as you want.

That is, you can consume for 30, 60, 90 days or more, because before being a weight loss formula, this drink is an excellent food.

You will love the results.

In addition to losing weight, you will feel much healthier and your appearance will improve a lot.

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