Gluten-free and Lactose-free Orange Cake


4 eggs
3/4 cup tea
1½ cup sugar
1 cup orange juice
2 cups raw rice in sauce for 8 hours
½ cup (grated) dry grated coconut
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 tablespoon cornstarch

For the syrup: 3/4 cup (tea) orange juice
2 cups sugar


In a blender place the eggs, sugar, orange juice, corn starch, oil, dry shredded coconut, baking powder and beat a little to blend.
Add the rice and beat well until a homogeneous mixture is broken and the rice grains are broken.
Afterwards, transfer the dough to a greased and lightly roasted form in a preheated oven at 320° F for approximately 40 minutes.
Remove, deform, drizzle with the syrup, sprinkle the sugar and serve.

To the Syrup

Mix juice and sugar in a container. Mix with the help of a fouet.

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