Add 3 Drops of Oregano Oil to Water and See What Happens to Your Lungs

You can get very sick and feel awful in case of a pneumonia, which is a lung infection. This infection is mostly triggered by fungi, bacteria and viruses. Before the development of the antibiotics who can fight against pneumonia, 1/3 of the people who got sick from this disease, lost their lives.

According to the latest statistics, more than 3 million people all over the world develop this infection every year. 1/4 of the patients that have developed pneumonia are hospitalized for medical treatment. Even though that almost everyone cures from this infection, statistically 5% of the people who developed it are going to die from the infection.
On the list of the leading causes of death it takes the 6th place, therefore we should look over this infection very seriously. The main cause of a bacterial pneumonia is the steptococcus pneumoniae. Its starter symptoms are mostly fever, shaking chills, and mostly production of a rust-colored sputum. In many cases, around 20% to 30% of them, this infection can infect the blood, and from there, from 20% to 30% of the patients will lose their lives.

Antibiotics as treatment

When it comes for the treatment of this disease, mostly people rush to get prescribed antibiotics such as penicillin, amoxicillin and clavulanic acid or augmentin, and some other macrolide antibiotics such as erythromycin, azithromycin and clarithromycin. One of the most used antibiotics in the beginning for this disease, was the penicillin. But ever since the development of the broader-spectrum antibiotics, a certain drug resistance was developed as well.

Add 3 Drops of Oregano Oil to Water and SEE What Happens to Your Lungs

For thousands of years the oregano oil was used in the Middle Eastern and Far Eastern cultures as a natural remedy that can treat many infections, jaundice, dysentery, urinary infections, and inflammation. It was scientifically proven that the oregano oil contains powerful antibacterial abilities. Because of its richness in minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, boron, copper and zinc, it is provides therapeutic benefits. The usage of this oil is 100% safe and you can use it along side with prescribed medication, it will effectively fight against any bacterial infection.
You simply need 3 drops of this oil, you can add the drops in a glass of water or in a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice. The improvements provided by the oil should be noted after a few hours. You should drink this every day for 5 days, and the symptoms will surely bee soothed or gone.
Also a very effective natural home remedy, that you have it in the kitchen all the time is the Baking Soda. It is able to break down proteins and neutralize acids. It can also keep a balance in the pH levels in our bloodstream. Be aware that the process that maintains a balance in our pH levels is one of the most important processes that is happening inside our body.
If you didn’t know the pH is the one that measures the number of hydrogen ions inside your body. It can be measured from 0 to 14. The best number on the scale or the neutral one is 7. Anything  lower than that is acidic, and anything higher than that number is basic. Hydrogen ions are easily attracted by maintaining an alkaline environment, while on the other hand, an acidic environment is not attracting hydrogen ions at all. To maintain a balance in our overall health, hydrogen ions are very needed and essential for that.
If you want to keep your health in a top form, first you need to keep your pH levels from 7.3 to 7.4. Maintaining the pH somewhere between these two numbers, it will be a huge boost for our immune system and it will also improve its ability to eliminate bacteria. Mostly bacteria and viruses are the ones that cause, colds and bronchitis, and other secondary infections such as pneumonia, and they are easily attracted by an acidic environment. To be more concrete, in order to eliminate foreign pathogens, you must maintain a proper pH balance.
In order to fight against respiratory infections, or soothe symptoms like a runny nose or a sore throat, you need to take the mixture of potassium bicarbonate and sodium bicarbonate, which is an alkalizing mixture. And to reverse a disease such as sinusitis, asthma and pneumonia, you need to do a nebulizer with 2 drops of liquid sodium bicarbonate and water, and consume it 2 to 3 times on daily basis.
You can use the baking soda in many different ways. You can make a paste with it by combining it with cool water and apply it on your skin to relieve from pain from a bee sting. Also you can soothe discomfort from a sunburn or the itchiness from a poison ivy, by dissolving the baking soda into lukewarm water. You can also create an antacid that you can consume, from the baking soda. Simply mix one-half of a teaspoon of baking soda in 120 ml of water (4 ounces).

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