A survey by the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Windsor in Canada has given surprising results that mean a new hope for cancer patients.

This study found that the root of a certain medicinal plant kills cancer cells without any other harmful effects on the normal cells of the body.

Biochemist Siyaram Pandey, of the team of researchers conducting the research, said he decided to do the research after a suggestion from an oncologist at Windsor, Dr. Caroline Hamm, who had noticed that some cancer patients who drank tea from this plant seemed to be getting better.

"Dr. Caroline said it might be a coincidence, but we should investigate to see if there was any connection."

Then Pandey plunged into the research, working on leukemia blood samples and the root extract of the plant.

He and Dr. Caroline were surprised to find that leukemia cells were forced to apoptosis, that is, to cell suicide.

The most incredible thing for them was the fact that noncancerous cells were totally preserved.

In other words, the root extract of the plant root destroyed only the cancer cells, which is not the case with chemotherapy.

You must know this plant.

Its scientific name is Taraxacum officinale.

But most people know it by the name "dandelion".

The researchers tested the extract on other types of cancer cells in vitro (laboratory cultures) and obtained the same results.

The research team requested authorization from the Canadian government to proceed with a phase of clinical trials.

However, there is a high likelihood that this research will "quietly disappear."

Unless, as the Natural News website says, the so-called Big Pharma (Big Pharma Labs) finds a way to synthetically reproduce the active ingredients of dandelion that fight cancer and thus make money from it.

According to Natural News, 72-year-old John Di Carlo had undergone intense chemotherapy sessions to fight for his health and, after three years of unsuccessful treatment, was disillusioned and sent home to spend his last days with your loved ones.

Then John, who knew of the properties of the dandelion, began to drink tea from the root of the plant as a last effort to fight cancer.

This was the man's last attempt, since chemotherapy had not been resolved and doctors offered no other options for treating cancer.

According to Natural News reports, after four months of consuming tea from the dandelion root, John was cured of the disease.

How To Make Tea


2 tablespoons of the plant (preferably the root)

1 liter of water


Put the herb and water to cook.

When the water reaches the boiling point, cover the pan and bake for about ten minutes.

After that, tea and tea will be ready to be drunk.

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