Cura pela Natureza

The statement by some people that "everything causes cancer" is so naive.

It only serves to mask reality and works as a way of escape for anyone who wants to persist in error.

Of course, not everything causes cancer!

But there are foods with great carcinogenic potential, that is, with enormous power to cause this terrible disease.

So we did a survey that resulted in a list of the ten worst foods that contribute to the onset of malignant tumors.

What's more, these foods not only increase the risk of cancer, but also make us age faster and cause various diseases.

Of course it's not worth knowing them.

You need to scratch them off the menu.


1. Refrigerants

a can of soda has an average of 10 teaspoons of sugar, 150 calories, between 30 and 55 mg of caffeine, and is filled with artificial colors and sulfites.

In addition, this drink is extremely acidic, requiring 30 glasses of water to neutralize this acidity, which can be very dangerous for the kidneys.

To make matters worse, bones function as a pool of minerals, such as calcium, that are dumped into the blood to help neutralize the acidity caused by the soda.

With this shift of minerals to another function, the bones eventually weaken and this can lead to ailments like osteoporosis, obesity, cavities and heart disease.

2. Processed meat

She's not far behind.

So, get rid of food like mortadella, bacon, parsley and ham.

In addition to chemical preservatives, which can cause various health problems, these meats tend to cause colon cancer because they contain large amounts of nitrite and nitrate.

Therefore, look for pure, naturally created meats.
3. Microwave Popcorn

It looks harmless, does not it?

But the danger is immeasurable!

Because it contains many chemicals, this popcorn can cause not only cancer, but infertility.

Perhaps even worse than the protagonist is diacetyl, that substance that has an artificial butter flavor and is used in movie popcorn.

Watch out!

This substance may cause severe lung problems.

Also not surprising if we say that the corn used in these popcorns is transgenic, right?

4. Refreshments

We are talking about the artificial refreshment that is so much offered to children at school or in parties.

It is very important that we take this seriously.

These drinks have lots of sugar, dyes and preservatives - which is a full plate for cancer cells.

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5. Diet foods and drinks

For those who think that just because it is a diet is good for our health, we are dedicating a topic to demystify this idea.

Diets are more harmful than ordinary soft drinks.

Researchers have found that aspartame, one of the artificial sweeteners used in these foods, causes serious diseases such as cancer.

6. White wheat flour (refined)

It is very easy to find this flour in processed foods.

A study published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology found that regular consumption of refined carbohydrates is associated with a 220% increase in the chances of getting breast cancer among women.

In addition, this type of food increases the blood sugar level - which results in the development of cancer cells.

7. Refined sugar

This is another little white that does very badly.

It increases the level of insulin and stimulates the development of diseased cells.

So try to get away from cookies, cakes, soda, processed juices, cereal sauces and all the foods loaded with sweet refined.

8. Fruits that carry a lot of pesticides, like apple, grape and strawberry

Unfortunately, we live in times when we buy fruit thinking that we are following a natural diet, but we may actually be contaminating ourselves.

This is the reality of who buys apple, grape or strawberry in supermarkets - unless they are organic fruits.

What happens is that these three fruits "stand out" in the agrotoxic issue, a great risk of cancer.

It's sad, but most of the fruits we buy are with pesticides.

9. Fried potato

It contains not only trans fats, which have already been linked to a long list of diseases but also one of the most potent carcinogenic substances in food: acrylamide, which is formed when the potato is heated at high temperatures.

In addition, most oils used to fry the potato become rancid in the presence of oxygen or at high temperatures, generating foods that can cause inflammation in the body.

10. Hydrogenated oils

The best-selling oils in the supermarket, such as canola, corn or soybean oil, are unfortunately very harmful.

They change the structure and flexibility

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